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Heather Murad

Hair Services:

If you are running 15 minutes or less late to your appointment, please call or text to inform me. If your arrival is beyond 20 minutes late, you may be subject to forfeit your appointment completely. If you no show the day of, cancel or reschedule your appointment with less than 24 hours advance notice, it is considered a ''no show'' and you will be charged an additional one time fee to your next future appointment. If this is a reoccurring issue, your service will require a deposit to secure future appointments. If the issue can not be resolved, I have the right to refuse providing your future services.

If you are unhappy with your results, please call or text me directly so I may assist you as soon as possible. Small adjustment may be made within 2 weeks or less of your appointment. This curtesy is not to be confused with "changing your mind" or trying to work the system for free services. For entire changes or additional services, the client is subject to paying additional funds for the service. If your request is reasonable, I will do all that I can to fix any error in quality.

For lasting results, chemical services can only be considered guaranteed if maintained with professional salon brand products. 

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